The Endgame A Memoir

Table of Contents

♞ Stage 1: Recruitment

  • Tip of the Spike
  • War’s Broken Social Contract
  • Domestic Breaches and International Infiltration
  • Recruitment Contracts
  • Entrenchment at Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • U.S. Intelligence Recruitment – Relics of the Weathermen and World War II

♞ Stage 2 – Research

  • Maneuverings
  • Strategists & Blackmail
  • Domestic Research Subject Recruitment
  • Positioning
  • Cohorts
  • Expropriated Counterintelligence
  • AIDS Research
  • Decay as a Facilitative Tool for Demolition
  • Entrenchment at Yale
  • Demolition Crews
  • Subversion
  • Distraction & Misdirection
  • Normalization of Internal Exploitation

♞ Stage 3: Deployment

  • Deployment, Part Two
  • Test Firing
  • Internal Sabotage and Entrapment
  • Indefinite Detainment, Indefinite Wars
  • Waiting in Ambush
  • Recollections: Training

♞ Stage 4: Detonation

  • Wartime Child Traffickers – The Government of Argentina and the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo
  • Post-Nuclear Explosions
  • Anno No Domini
  • Supplementary Sources

Next: Stage 1: Recruitment